“Enhance strategies for reading, drafting, revising, editing, and self-assessment”
Drafting and revising were critical parts of the process of making multiple drafts of your work and revising it until you feel it has reached its perfected state. Through creating multiple drafts, I was able to gather input from myself and through others onto what I can improve upon them. I then took those opinions and considered them onto my final drafts and was able to finalize an improved revision. This practice will follow onto my future endeavors to solidify my improvement.
A good example of the drafting process is comparing my first draft of my technical description with my final draft. As figure 1 depicts, my first draft of the instructions process was all in one paragraph and looked cluttered. After realizing this from looking at it myself and through comments from others, I was able to revise it and make it more readable for my reader to understand these instructions (Figure 2)