“Formulate and articulate a stance through and in your writing”
This course learning objective was relative to all my work throughout this course, as every assignment required me to take some sort of stance in my writing. This ranged from being persuasive, neutral, and favorable. This in turn was very vital to my writing, as it determined how I would communicate with my audience under different tones and forms of content. It would measure what kind of information I would give to the audience and how much research I would provide if I wanted to improve my reliability.
This was especially relevant when composing my technical description of my keyboard. Throughout this assignment, it was incredibly important to attain a neutral stance in my writing. This is because the genre of technical descriptions required me to show no bias, only to inform my audience on what my product is, what it is made out of and how to use it. Figure 1 depicts me describing its components, and through this image you are able to see how I am maintaining a neutral stance to show no bias towards the product.